I like riding in the back of people's car especially with friends that would listen to your every rambling. Its like cheap travelling therapy I tell you to just have someone will nod and "u huh" everything you say no matter how crazy it may sound.
I can sleep, eat or even sing (really really badly) in the back seat and they won't mind. Well I don't think they do :D. Its nice to just have some place to just wind down and forget about everything else :).
Same here. I prefer riding in the back seat when going out with friends as I don't have to worry about the driving & looking for parking! hahaha!
ooo... u changed ur profile pic!
As long as you're no backseat nagger, then that's fine. Or else kena humban keluar kan hehehe
totally agree after a week long driving, i just want to ride..
yup2 change my picture :D
yah true.. hikhik :D
on the other hand ..i love to be the driver and showed them my fast and furious skill of driving.. he he
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