Regrets sending it today, waited 4 hours to get it serviced.
Hit the gym again.. need to burn 700 kcalories a day and weight train 3 times a week.
Afraid exercise will cause food binging, but need protein to repair the sore (still sore) muscles. Beef burger on chapati, YUM!!
Iphone 3g, so cool, so light, and who is that making a face in that phone ;)
Later that night, went to Old Town Kopitiam at Sg Chua. Met Abg Bear and Shah after a few months of not meeting with them. Met Wahaza for the first time. Cool guy, lots of knowledge in IT and Iphones.
Stories of Iphones, blogs, handphones and gossip were thrown around the table. Many thanks to Abg Bear and Shah for the chicken Por Fun and Ice lemon tea. It was short, nice and pleasurable.
makan makan makan haha
Bud, It was nice meeting you even tho can't concentrate much since Josh & Abg Bear was totally all over me... hahaahah
rezeki tu gidong, org lain di benua lain nak berlapar, kita lak buang2 makanan.. membazir ;)
lol, hey you were the iphone and blog expert there, so cannot blame them meh :D
nak ikut.. hehehe
sng ada wifi kan..mana2 leh online
Hehehe... damn laku lah that Oldtown kopitiam. Even Bibik, Mama Diva and I will lepak there every other night (we have one near our apartment).
BUdlee... Abg bear tanak komen pasal makan2 tu alahai comelnya gambar atas tu tido ngan kucing jerrr.... comelnya Budlee comelnya kucing tu... berseri seri blog ni ngan gambar tu wahhhh....
mr maguire:
sila mkn sekali :)
kak ita:
hehe yup, senang nak blogging.
love their hazelnut white coffee :)
beruang madu:
hahaha sy pun nak gambar tidor dgn kucing, asyik dok tgk abg bear jer dgn anak2 abg bear :D
heheh.. next time you must burn more than 700 calories lah shayang... hehehe
700 calorie, 5 days a week.
penat wo!!! kena letak intesity tinggi to get 700 calori for 45 minutes
wow..summary terus ini entri..
macam biasa lah,kalau dah jumpa orang makan amkan sembang sembang...memang part yang best cenggitu..
Have a great day to you buddy!!
[Wahaza] hahahahahah.... tergelak tengok comment. I'm all over you.. hahahhaha.... very kinky.
Bud, out of all the handsome photos of me, why THAT one??? huwaaaaa......
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