This is just recollection of the moments I face in life, you may think you know me when you are reading this, but this blog is only a fragment of the many personalities that can manifest in me
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
A Great Monday Morning

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tips to Wash a Car

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Cat Repellent
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Odd One Out?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Crazy / Hair

A Kia with Soul

Monday, March 22, 2010
Emo Management
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I’m going to the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair

Just a quick swipe of Double Protection Gatsby can keep odor and wetness at bay.This deodorant contains o-CYMEN-5-OL + TRICLOSAN to kill odor causing bacteria and Anti Perspirant Agent (ACH) to keep dry and feeling clean. There are 7 fragrances to choose from so you can find your favourite. Lime Green has a natural clean citrus smell that I like.
Hope to see all of you there and lets wrestle in the Sumo suits :D
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Weekend Summary and Bla's
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Too much internet?

Wicked Audi that was Frank's signature car in the film. Damn beautiful, and fast. Drool!!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Maximum Strength

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Life is about choices. Is it true? Can you wake up in the morning and make a choice of how your day will be? Sometimes it feels almost impossible to make that choice. Maybe that is the reasons some people are on medication or using alcohol and food to blur the line of choices. Sounds a bit crazy right, but you have to admit its true. Do you choose to be happy or sad? If you become indecisive, its gets irritating and you end up stress and you want to relieve that stress by using substance to cover it up.
Crazy eh, but its what we do each morning when we get up. I hate it when the choice is visible to the eye, for its better if it was just instinct or gut feeling. It ends up being the best choice. However, I read in study that when the participants were given 5 minutes to think, they made better choices in their judgment.
I dunno, its just a rumbling I thought about when getting up from bed. I do wish I could activate my blackberry service, alas some other things are much more important, such as eating healthy food, instead of junk food. However it seems junk food is more expensive than healthy food. Healthy as in, its not overly processed, prepared fresh and has no preservatives. That means “nasi campur” each day… Well I do feel lighter, so that is a bonus of sorts right…
Monday, March 8, 2010

That Day

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Proton Emas (Eco Mobile Advance Solution)

Basically, to explain how the car works in a crude way is like this. Imagine those Pasar Malam (Night Market) electric generator, put it in the engine bay of your car. Then take a few batteries and place it in under the front seat of the car. The taken an electric motor and put it in the bonnet of your car.
The electric motor will draw power from your battery and you car will be like a golf cart, whizzing quietly on the road. Once the battery is low, the generator will kick in an recharge the battery. Like any generator, you have no control on the engine speed since it will run constantly to charge the batteries.
5okm does not sound much, but in reality its really quite enough for most people, even if you do travel 100km a day, half of your trip will run on battery power alone. You can charge the car, just like how you charge your handphone.
I can't wait for this to become a reality. I need a new car soon to pass my Viva to my brother :D
Monday, March 1, 2010
Head Up

Do you just hate sick days, mine seem to drag on for weeks. My nose is still stuffy, and I gotten a bad headache in the evening. Head ache, is something very rare to me unless I am car sick. It kinda sucked to that when taking any oral medication it takes at least 30 minutes for it to give any effect to the body. Ouch!..
Do you feel sometimes that one bad thing that happened to you, seem to make your day sucked? It sucked when it happened in series. Some says its Murphy's Law, it means that whatever bad things happens in threes' the fourth one will ended up being good. Hmm lets see, forgot to bring my keys, got lectured by my dad, and then long line at the deposit machine. The good thing that happened? I did not loose my wallet when I thought I might misplaced it.. Somehow I just don't have the feeling that it is the good thing.
I envy those with insomnia, I want insomnia so that I won't feel sleepy in the morning. For me, bliss is to be be able to sleep at any given point in the day in a cool but moist environment. Aircond could not provide this, since I will end up with a dry throat since I sleep with my mouth open (I need an operation to clear up my nose), the perfect place to sleep would be, near a waterfall. The cool moist air is a dream come true to have a nice nap. I like camping in the forest near the river, its so cooling. An ideal weekend gateway for me, would probably just laze around in the jungle in a tent or better in a chalet. However you need a couple of friends who are up for it, and perhaps a lot of boardgames and card games. Its a good way to catch up on "gos" or perhaps its a way where each of us can talk about stuff we never able to talk about or never gotten a chance to do so. Too bad most of my friend are not up to guts of spending sometime in the jungle. Heck I am not jungle trekker, but I absolutely love the trips to Sg Chongkak and Gabai, its very peaceful and cool.
I need to finish up soon, I am running out of sanity....