Ah yes, Oxy, the medication most of us have heard, seen or used. Its our favorite acne creams for many years now. Why is that? because benzoyl peroxide is one the best medication for acne and has countless of research backing it. However some people do divert from using it because benzoyl peroxide dries the skin out, sometimes so drying it makes your skin peel. Some people divert using it because they heard stories about your skin peeling.
Oxy is very safe and recommended by many dermatologist. Its unscented and has no colorant, this two are one of key agents of skin sensitivity. So if your skin does feel irritated, you might want to seek something with out these two ingredients.
Benzoyl peroxide comes in many strengths. Oxy comes in 5% and 10%, if you seek your drugstore, Watson, Guardian, or Caring, you can find 2.5 % benzoyl peroxide from another brand. Last time I did find Neutrogena carrying a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide concentration.
If you find 5% too strong for you, as in makes your skin overly dry, try getting the 2.5%. If you can tolerate 5% but want something stronger use the 10%. Dermatologist carries and even higher concentration but only under prescription.
According to the directions, you try putting it on once a day, and if there is no problem continue with putting it on twice a day after you washed your face. If you do feel its drying, use it under your favorite face cream.
Warning, benzoyl peroxide bleaches clothes and hair. So be careful when using it while wearing a very expensive shirt. I learned it the hard way... :(
*another secret, some people with oily skin use the 2.55 or 5% concentration all over their face to reduce oil production because that is what exactly the product do, but beware, when you do sweat, the benzoyl peroxide can stain your clothes..
**at 26, I still have one or two acne pop out time to time.
Hyer!!! :) Dtg melawat..
Bella pernah gune oxy.. and mule2 berkesan.. then ntah macam mane bertmbah2 jerawat plak jadinyer.. huhuhu.. bile gune oxy die ok.. then tumbuh tmpt len plak.. pastu trus stop... hehhehe
so pakai ape skrg?
*jerawat muncul sebab hormon atau bacteria.. di sebabkan hormon awak memang akan naik turun setiap bulan (haid), jerawat tu wajib muncul punyer :D. kalau ade petua lain, bagus lah juga di kongsi sama.
skang jerawat nggak ada.. tapi kalo hormon tgh tunggang terbalik ade laa jerawat tuh hehe... tapi skang bella x pkai ape2 pun biar kan jerk... :)
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