I thought I would get to wake up late on Saturday morning, but I ended up having to drive my sister to the airport at 6.15 am T_T. It's so depressing, my first reaction was to kick up a fuss and told her to ask someone else. I suddenly remembered, I once slept at 1am and woke up at 3.30 am just to meet someone at the airport before they took off. I felt ashamed about it, that I even woke up before my sister call me up in the morning. On the drive home, at least this sunset made everything felt better and worth it, I just have to remember no matter how angry you are at someone you called family whether related or not, you will end up helping them no matter how pissed off you are.

My Mercedes needs it regular servicing. Also I needed to repair the third brake lights, since the former one broke. My front tires are balding and it get slippery when driving on puddles on the highway.

See this really nice Toyota Alphard with 18 inch rims.

Now see these rims and tires all busted up. Sigh, I wonder what happened to the van? It seem as if it fell into a ditch or something

Then a tow truck and its operator came to tow the van away.
Hmm the tow truck driver seem to be quite well built. All I could think was, protein shake when I saw him O_o, those shakes cost an arm and a leg. Even if he does not swallow those powdered protein, eating enough protein that does not make you fat (egg whites and tuna in water) does cost a bundle. However this is Malaysia, he makes a good living I guess from all the accidents he encountered

On Saturday night, a friend or ours flown from
Sabah, a friend that sings very well. So it was only
appropriated to hold a karaoke session which lasted from 8pm-3am.
LOL, that has to be the longest time I stayed in a room without sleeping. We had loads of fun since we got songs from all era. Who knew, I finally found a song, that I could sing quite well, based on the raised eyebrows (hopefully its a good
surprised sign) that I got from some of my friends. It was fun and tiring at the same time. Luckily I am still able to be talking normally.
LOL, not sure about my other karaoke partners who sang more than I did.
yeah,i'm about to ask the same question to you buddy-what happened to the van??
de Alphard rim looks yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
entah lah.. did not get to ask the people there what had happened.. tapi yang pasti, i saw the van regularly at the shop, albeit masih lagi cantik and leh drive lagi
kaaan.... sayang tgh tayar and rim tu jadi sedemikian rupa.
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