Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I did not want to wake up today, I really don't feel like it. This is probably the starting of a few lows in life for 2009. I did not want to go to lab, I am sick at looking at UPM compound. Sick of smelling the lab. I want to dig a hole and stay there (maybe find some new cestodes for Dr Malina). Its like arghh!... some things are not going the way I want it to be. Right now I am in a big fight between my many selves inside of me, each trying to steer my life. The rebel, the nerd, the hopeless romantic, the crazy, the devil's advocate, all just trying to control me. Well as I was tossing and turning in bed, I decided I have to get up. No matter what, I have to get up. Its almost over...


Sankai said...

multiple personality disorder? in short, ASB. heeheh.. suffered that syndrome for quite a while. :)

eheh.. dont look to far ahead or you might hit a pothole right in front of you.

Just look a step ahead, but always visualize your destination. Don't forget to enjoy the view.

All the best in the new year.


maliksutanmuda said...

yup..yup..relax...cool man.. :)

Ad said...

sabar budz..nnt kalau 2 tahun akan dtg..ha, mesti rindu balik Lab tu nnt

Unknown said...

oooh love your quote. thanks :D

yah.. tq

tak sabar nyer menunggu 2 thn akan