Friday, September 18, 2015

Once upon a time

Once upon a time. I was a fairly active mediocre blogger, with a mediocre number of readers. I was able to join a lot of blog related promotion which mean a good number of free tickets to certain movies. My favorite was definitely Sucker Punch and Rapunzel.

Anyhow, that was during my post grad year. Where I was in the lab all day and felt incredibly lonely. However when I started working, the post kept getting less and less. Maybe because I am starting to feel happy. I have money, I can buy stuff and I had a lot of new things to do!

So little by little, there were no more post. It was just not me. A few of my friends whom I met through blogging has also stopped. Maybe because they moved on to other social medias such as Facebook and Instagram, with the latter being the default.

Why am I starting now? Do I feel sad again?. In a way, yes, I do feel sad again. So it's time to write. However it seems that my future is linked closely to my blogs.

How I write, how I feel, how I observed and how I analysed is actually something a future company might be interested in. They don't teach you to become Science Communicators in museum nor do they teach you how to make content on blogs.

When I clicked back at some of the more popular bloggers on my list. It was amazing where they are now. Some are actresses, some a famous business owner, some has published their first book, some joined the ultra marathon. I am happy that they have moved on. Am I sad?

I love most of the days in my job, I have travelled to countries I always wanted to visit, I went back to America, I bought a house and there is just so many things, that I have done in the post blogging days, just like the rest of the bloggers I read.

It fun now to actually go back to read all of their past adventure that they have done since I stopped. Now I should write all the adventure that I have been on, and I hope you would enjoy it too. Whoever you are.

Time changes, and so have I

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