I want these lenses. Why? because these are extended wear lenses that is certified by the FDA. These lenses are made from a material that allows you to sleep in them for up to 30 nights. How great is that, to be free from putting it in and taking it off each day, or to be able to just sleep anytime you want with out fear of going blind. However it is
recommended that you take it out at least once a week or whenever your eyes feels uncomfortable. This is the next best thing than
LASIK surgery. Its cheaper on the short run but
LASIK is cheaper for the long run. If you have large sum of money upfront, you can go
LASIK, if you don't, these lenses are good.
Hmm to be able to sleep in them, and not worry at all. WHOA!! This is my must list to buy. Too bad they don't do much
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berapa harganya bud??aku pun nak satu neh!
axim: tengah survey nih.. tak byk kedai carry contact lense nih sebab mahal.. ko leh try try air optix aqua, yg tuh aku baca kat internet, leh pakai up to 6 days continous wear, or kita leh tidor 6 hari, pastu kena buang or pakai dari 6 pagi sampai 2 pagi pastu cuci mcm biasa.. Acuvue 2,same gak, dia sama ada pakai 6 hari berterusan or pakai pagi cabut mlm setiap hari selama 2 minggu..
tapi atas nasihat doctor dan ikut keselesaan kita..
tapi best kan.. for travelling.. tak yah nak cabut2, senang siket..
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