Toll and my life could not be separated, if I need to go anywhere farther than Balakong or The Mines or Putrajaya I would have to pay toll. The car I am using now was brought back from the US when my dad did his degree there about 11 years ago. So the car is left hand drive, which means parking and paying at the toll booth is very bothersome. I had to shift to P, unbuckle my seat belt, roll down the right window all the way, almost crawl to the right passenger seat and strecthed to pay toll or parking. Luckly there is this device called the Smart Tag, which really is a Touch and Go holder with built in sensors so that when you pass the Smart Tag lane, you just have to slow down instead of stopping and paying. This proved to be a lifesaver for my car because no longer I have to reach out to the grinning toll attendant. However this pass week the Toll plaza that I regularly pass each day has problems with the Smart Tag lane, so for the pass few days I have been doing regular strecthes in the car. Not fun okay...

Why? Why? Why? must you be out of service :(

Huhuhu... I wanted to take pictures of me doing my daily morning yoga in the car but there was many people behind me. Hate paying cash and having to wait my turn, with Smart Tag, its just a drive away...
take a gun and shoot the toll plaza employees!!
sempat ko snap ye bud..hehe
cannot.. not enough bullets at that time
kak ita:
hikss dah byk keta, snap jer ler :)
la left hand drive yer.. do u need to put some sort of sticker at the back to inform the other drivers or not? sbb pernah nampak left hand drive car di Msia and they put up a sticker at the back..
left hand drive cars are for left hand drive roads.... hehe.. why must u blame the toll? hehe...
yah i saw a few cars with stickers in the back, but i am not sure if there is a law or not for that. I mean the car has been in Malaysia for 10 years and the only summons we got was for speeding and parking. I don't like those flashy stickers. Some say its to warn the drivers behind, but warn what? the sleeping person on the right front seat is not driving??
i blame the toll for not maintaiting their toll booth. The Smartag cost RM 200 Rizal, it would be a waste not to be able to use it.
true true....
at least two smart tag tolls, if one broken down, they at least got another one for backup
hi, nice blog you got here...
i agree with u, we should at least have more smart tag lane...2 are not enough with the increasing numbers of cars.
hello riken, thank you for visiting. yes they should, at least two for each toll. I mean it amazes me that they could have such a large toll booth but open only half of them.
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