I was trying to pay attention, but my fingers got itchy for a snapshot :p
This the spectrophotometer, by a company called Shimadzu. It sounded like a good deal, it comes with a Hp printer, 2 quartz sample holder, and software. It also has a 2 year warranty. Total cost, just around RM 30,000. :p
Oh yes the food, the demo comes with some refreshment made by our favourite caterer in UPM. There were so much leftovers too :). Just some friend mee hoon, popiah, and this purple kuih made from yam. Nescafe and tea was served too.

Speaking of makan, I had another free meal for today :). Kak Hanim decided to bring something to the lab, so she steamed rice (she brought her rice cooker) and some lauk that she cooked the night before. I had this meat called seladang, I had no idea what it was, it tasted a lot like buffalo but a lot more chunky and tough. I really like it.
For those city slickers like myself who have no idea what Seladang is, well guys this is Seladang, in English it is called Wild Cattle. Its bigger and stronger than the buffalo. Kak Hanim said she got it from a zoo. The seladang was getting old, so the decided to just sacrifice it and give/sell the meat away. Yummy.. I want seladang some more :). My friend said, he would not eat it, chicken and cow is ok, but seladang, he said its so big, and muscular, he just cannot eat it. Heh heh, I just chew on it and loved every bite of it :p...
seladang???errr..no my cup of tea :P
Kalau mkn seladang dapat muscle mcm seladang sioknyer~ ;)
Budlee... kesiannya seladang tu tapi sedap.. abang suka cuba yg halal halal nih... tapi kat johor sana ada satu lagi spesis baka seladang... selembu namanya.. dia ni anak mak lain dari seladang biasa.. kononnya ada seladang yg dah masuk kandang lembu dan dah diperkosanya semua lembu2 tu, maka jadilah spesis biologikal.. selembu.. rasa daging abang tak tahu...
We got a spectrophotometer with two quartz cuvette, for only RM10,000.
As for Seladang, I thought it's protected? The species is categorized as vulnerable (will be extinct in the next 10 years if nothing is done to conserve them). Bud, stick back to lembu please. hehehe.
I am not sure if its seladang or not anymore.. somebody is playing a trick on the city slickers...
heh heh betul tuu
abg bm:
urm biasa lah tu, nak kacuk punya pasal
really? hmm different model and features perhaps :p
oh yes
she said that its was an old seladang yg nak mampus....
still... i am no longer sure.. since she has that evil grin.. the kakak that served us that food
correction, the purple kuih was made from colouring and yam!
heh heh... very ANALytical about a kuih ingredients aren't we ;)
i'll rather eat the purple kuih full of colouring than a seladang!!
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