Can you find the spec???? I can't see it clearly, everything is so blurry.

Think Budlee, think, where did you put it.. Oh wait.. silly me.. I took it with me to the bathroom. So I can see where I am shaving my face.

Aha after shaving, I wanted to try out this Aftershave my dad got from Emirates Airline. Smells very nice.

I went to Jaya Jusco today at lunch, because I needed a new pillow and a second blanket. Look its a Honda Civic Type R... Naaaaak naaaak I don't mind its a stick shift, I am willing to use a manual if I have this car...

I like claypot chicken with egg.. and cili potong on the side :)

After work, I decided to meet with a prince from Brunei at Pavillion
Where on earth is that prince?
Still waiting with laptop in tow. Never leave it in your car, or risk having your windows smashed and the laptop stolen
Finally met the prince, why its prince rizal a fellow blogger in Brunei. A science teacher and a lucky bastard ( hehehe just kidding ah ) with a new Mistubishi Lancer (envy, jealous, geram, grrrrr.. :p)
What the hell, mlm2 buta pun, Jln Tun Razak still jammed...
See its almost midnight. As I crawled along, I found what went wrong, a car was involved in an accident and block two out of three lanes..
I just like the pic of u and Putera. Two cute guys. Thought of meeting up with him too, if we have chance.
hayoo banyak sungguh makanan yang sya kempunan such as chicken claypot rice tu... sini ada tapi tak halal so bila lalu kedai cina tengok jer lah dari luar gambar2 tuh
aha! see, kl always jam!
yah you should, he is a nice guy, and speaks malaysian malay which makes it easy to talk to him.
hehe buat lah sendiri kat rumah. kak mlt kat lab nih kata dia buat sendiri kat rumah :p
heh heh.. accident chen.. accident.. anywhere in malaysia if got accident jam. lepas tu tak jam ler.. you do not have the technique a true blue org KL have of avoiding jam.
ic...its him...i dont believe it...arghhh!!! (just to show my impression)...hehe
putera rizal...dah tambah sorang ahli kelab bulat...!!! :)
jalan tun razak...x penah yg clear bud..benci tau
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