I had a great chat with my prof about doing my future in PhD in Malaysia. He said from his personal point of view of his experienced of doing it for 8 years in the US, he hated going to class and rather just basked in the summer sunshine, sit on the bench at the park during spring, or just ice skate in the frozen lake during winter. Sure the experienced is enriching to live in another country, but you are there to study and not to enjoy. Sure you may have you breaks to travel and such but in the back of your head, that assignment, that deadline and that quiz will always be there. Its not a honeymoon or a vacation, but hard work. I rather vacation there than study and go crazy for another 5 years.
But then those are views of those that have experienced living there. I would not stop those who chose to study overseas, but right now, going overseas is not my cup of tea for the moment. Definitely a new outlook in life for me. Thanks to those who commented on my previous post about my complains of the future. 6 more years at least to study. I will get a job as a tutor when I do my PhD, so at least if I made enough I could choose to have the Independence I crave, or to satisfy my current materialistic needs. Future here I come :)
tats why phd is permanent head damaged :P
think wisely young man..err..young ke?
still young and G.L.A.M.O.R.O.U.S, we're flying first class up in the sky
lalalala :p
Budlee, US system is different (i'm sure u know it rite) - mixed mode PhD
well, since u hv valuable experienceS in counducting research, i would suggest u 2 proceed with UK-syst PhD - go 4 research bro..!
tutor in IPTA..? its a temporary post - not secure enuf - if anything happen, they wont appoint u as their staff - my point is, look 4 a safer post (i think univ college masih terima master holder as their lect)
just my 2 cents.. all the best..!
eh lawa lah vase tu bud...wat deco cun gak tuh
When planning for the future, always have your future in mind. I'm sure you'll make the right choice by then.
ms pinky:
yup, i know. in upm all students that are taking masters in research are required to take at least 9 hour credit of class. right now if i am not mistaken UKM and UM is 100% research. right now the situation, all RU (research universities) in Malaysia (UM,UKM,USM,UPM) require their lecturers to have at PhD degree, since we fell of the top 200 Universities in the world. For private colleges, yes, boleh terus jadi lecturer kalau ada master
kak ita:
tu cwn teh lah kak.. tapi mmg cun pun buat deco kaaan
hmmm.. yes.. (actually i tak paham what you just said, but after asking a friend i did :p)
kalu x silap mox... once u dah ada master, u can apply jadi tutor kat RU such as UKM tu ka.... then bila dah dpt post as tutor tu, diorang biasanya apply buat phd (tapi kena Q jugak la kot) dan ikat kontrak dgn UKM say about 5 years service ker... balik tu dah tukar status jadi pensyarah dah.. bukan as tutor lagi. sama la mcm kes budak2 1st degree yg apply jadik RA then convert jadi tutor then lecturer. yg tu lagi bagus sebab depa buat master masa jadi RA, and depa buat phd masa jadi tutor... balik2 je dah ada title Dr and gaji ribu riban. keje dpt, study dpt, duit dpt... "secure" pun dpt (sebab kena ikat kontrak). ... try la find out info yg lebih clear k.
yah tu mmg tu salah satu caranya.
Budlee & abg Mox - yup dats true..
but, it is more secure if u can apply for lect post (which is a permanent post like mine) - tutor is a temporary post - if anything happen during ur PhD journey, they wont appoint u as their permanent staff; lect.. nauzubillah kan..
new IPTAs like university colleges still consider master holder to be appointed as their lect (compared to established IPTAs like UKM, USM etc which will only appoint PhD holders as their lects)
my point is - secure ur place 1st if u really interested 2 join IPTA - reason..? drop me an email @ pinkypinkyy@yahoo.co.uk
again, my only 2 cents.. cheers ;-)
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