Not many students watched these things because everybody is preoccupied with their own research.
I jotted down a few tips that is very crucial when participating and presenting in these seminars.
- Prepare
- Interact with the panel and public, do not read
- Practice, ask lecturers how to properly pronounced each word
- Pray the the panel is very nice, or had a nice day. Nothing worse than a panel that is hungry and in a bad mood, They will eat you up alive.
- Thank god when its over and pray again when you have to present your finished thesis.

I had to go to the main library to find some old journals for my research. This is a bit too old, 1957 the same day Malaysia got independence. I saw some journals hailing from the 1913 in a special room. Somehow that room had an eerie feeling because everything is just so old.

Found it, need it, want it, and reading it. This is the journal I am looking for
We need to buy these prepaid photostat cards in order to photostat documents or journals.
I need to photostat the journal since we cannot borrow it. Beside would I want to drag around at 3kg book.
If you are bored, there is a flat panel TV for you to watch, but the channel is set to Discovery channel only. Ok today was a busy day but I am glad I got everything done. Tomorrow is another busy day, doing genetic research. Jom, lets learn how make recombinant protein tomorrow.