This is the Waja, yes the real one, exact same one from Malaysia. The car does poorly even back then Proton kept saying Waja was created to pass NCAP. Yah it passed with only 3 stars out of 5.
This is the Kia Carnival or its clone in Malaysia, the Naza Ria. This MPV did poorly in offset test which is the car hittng a barrier at an angle. This will cause the crash to load on one side of the front end. This kind of test the body structure of the car, and this car only got 2 stars out of 5. However in the US crash test this car received 5 stars because the US crash test, test the whole front end of the car so the load is spreaded evenly. Offset test the structure of the car while full frontal test, will measure the effectiveness of the airbag and seatbelts.
This are only a test to emulate real word accidents but its not 100% accurate, so just wear your seat belt, drive safely and if you can get the car with all the the safety equipments such as airbags and ABS.
pehh..sure mati org dlm tuh
err... if u want, i do have some photos of dead patients in my laptop, mostly gruesome accident victims. really!
kak ita:
dlm myvi ada peluang cerah nak hidup tapi waja dgn naza tipis sikit...
nah i got my portion of mutalated bodies at www.rotten.com
rotten.com? sounds interesting! must check it out
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