My mom got this Hainan noodle. It was disgusting..

It was slimy and icky.. the noodles in the slimy thick sauce looked liked worms...

My mom hated the hainan noodle and loved my claypot noodle. She wanted what I had because she liked what I had but did know what I had. Now she knows that it's called claypot noodle and she made me buy another one for her. It was really good.

On Sunday we went to Sg Wang, my older sister wanted to shop for shoes while my younger sister is looking for DSLR.

She went shoe shopping..

More shoe shopping....
Did I said she went shoe shopping?????
Then we all went to this chicken rice shop outside of Sg Wang. We were hungry so this delicious kerabu manga was all that was snapped.
After walking around some more and finally found a shop that sold us a Canon DSLR 400d for RM 2450 inclusive of the camera, lens, bag, 2gb ultra memory card, tripod, screen protector, and UV lense. Not bad lah. So we end the trip with a large Auntie Annies lemonade. A good weeken indeed for me. I wish Dr Shah will get well soon from his brochitis and that he will feel a lot better soon.
sdpnyer apa ko makan tuh...terlioq
hikss diet lagi kak...
takpe claypot noodle to dgn ying mee, tak gemukkan :D
Wah bestnyer beli DSLR baru~
hehe.. tu harta adik tuu.. dia lah paling byk guna duit utk belajar daripada kami semua. maklumlah.. student art design..
dslr tu?
of course she will need it for her coursework.
does she blog, by the way?
nope she does not blog.. not that i heard of anyways..
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