Cars left and right, people with various jobs, thinking about today, tomorrow, themselves, their family and so on..

The line of cars during the morning crawl got longer..

As usual I kept my cool self..

Because I am driving a car with an automatic transmission :D

There was something that caught my eye in the side mirrow
An orange Myvi, with a familiar number plate..
This looks like my sister's car.. but why is she driving here.. she used to drive using the Cheras Kl highway and MRR2.
Well waddaya know, it was her. I sms ker saying why is she going on this road, she replied its much quicker using the Sg Besi highway this time of day..
Encik Budlee, anda telah melakukan satu kesalahan besar. kerana anda mengaku bersms semasa memandu anda sekarang dikenakan denda maksima - belanja makan kat UPM golf club. Hehe...
Budlee - u look so nice without the cermin mata... lawa lah comel.. honest... cuba elakkan dari pakai kaca mata atau nak mudah pakai yg tak nampak bingkai... mesti ok...
oppps alamak kantoooiiii...... kalau ade rezeki lebih boleh, tapi kedai kat golf tu only opens from 8am - 5pm. Mlm tak buka :(. Kat situ takde golfer main waktu malam :p
Beruang madu:
Oh my gosh.. Tq Tq (sambil menyorok muka :P) dulu pernah pakai yg jenis beruang ckp tu, tapi semua frame yg nipis tu jadi berkarat dan melecet. nak beli yg mahal takde budget... soo baru tahun lepas pakai yg tebal nih yg buat dari plastik, so tak can dia nak berkarat melainkan peluh saya ni berasid dan menghakis plastic :p.. tapi sy suka gaya cermin mata ni, ala2 superman itueww hiksss :D
hi. is that a merz u're driving?
urm old mercs.. same one as the title of my blog
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