Well technically, its lab day, everyday for me till I graduated, heck, my professor said this lab will always be my lab even after I graduated... Today however is a bit different since my prof told me to take out all the slides of various types of protozoa, cestodes, and trematodes. I could not find any mites since there were no entomological slides available, nor there was any histopath slides for me to use.. I still haven't gotten around to take the brain of my frozen dead mice for the histopath slides... bila la nak buat...
I had to take them all out an find the ones I want and group them together

Schistoma mansoni, the most romantic parasite.. because the male and female are forever bonded in a coitus position. Basically the male wrap itself around the female throughout their life time.

Boxes that have been sorted through
Bila keluar jer bab Lab kat blog ni aku ngeri sikit... tanak main ngan tikossssss... geliiiiii....
hi budleee. i'm getting addicted to your blog!
hmm... what it i'm always stuck in a coital position? ecstasy!
hi budlee... rajinnye ko menatap menda2 gini....
ni belum lagi sy amik gambar tgh belah kepala tikus...
haha well i should take pictures of the schitosomes as show it to you. how romantic they are.. :D
hi... kena la rajin, dah keje... padahal malas bukan main :D
wah...addicted...same to me...tunggu ajer entry dari lab budak nie....
good luck!!
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