I try so hard, but fall so far in the end it does not even matter. Can't live, can't live without you. Why isn't there some one try to find me. Here I am once again, I am falling into pieces. Its too late to apologize. How do I, get through this night with you. My heart will go on. It too little too late. I am tired of crying all night long till my eyes are swollen and read. You both made this happened. Both of you...........
Aspirin and Shrimp

Hahaha, no lah, it will be crazy for me to cry for someone till my eyes get swollen like that. That is my friends, is an allergic reaction. There were two things that I ate today that were allergic prone. First it was the fried shrimp that I had for lunch. Second, I took two tablets of aspirin to relieve my headache. The result was, headache was gone, but my eyes were swollen. The picture of myself in the green shirt was at the onset of the symptom, while the picture of myself in a red shirt was the outcome after 1 hour. The swelling got worst, I can still see even though the swollen have made my eyes looked very squint. A jab of injection at the doctor and some more anti histamine should reduce the swelling. However, this resulted in me being very lethargic. I wanted to do some work, but I can't drive to UPM for the fear of being slotted under the lorry. I have a presentation on Tuesday, thank god I written my skeleton on the whiteboard. I was supposed to erased it, because I thought I would return tonight. I am struggling just to keep awake now. Tomorrow I have Ps2 marathon with a dear friend. I must finish my slides tomorrow..
la... aku la ingat sedey nyer nak mampos...
ghoper nyer nak mampos sbb salah makan...
ehehe (gurau heh, jgn amik hati).. nah, telah dua bijik pil nie... oo
Aiyooo.... u look terrible. Those swollen eyes make u look like you'd been stung by hundreds of bees.
Kesian u.
har har.. yes kena gak tipu yerk :D
pill? pill ape kah itu? tobat tak mo mkn sebarangan ubat lagi for the fear of allergic reaction semula...
yes, its looked kinda gross too and this morning the swelling still did not go down. funny thing the medical assistant atht eh clinic allowed me to go in before other people
oh god 1st pic.i tot u putus cinta.rupa-rupanya allergic.kesian2
ayyo..kes alergic kita sama laa...
wahdi ckp, minum green tea kosong hari2 pagi2 boleh ilangkan alergic tu ..sbb dia pun sama gak..
meh la kita sesama try
pandai ko kasi suspen kan??tp mmg teruk gila la tahap kebengkakan muka ko tu..tu pun ada hati lagi nak drive..gilos..mcm kena belasah gangster je..gerun aku nengok!
Bud, are you turning into Inc. Hulk ; Lucky it didn't turn green; Did you know you've allergy to aspirin;
haha yah.. saje jer buat gempak..
memang rajin minum green tea pun, maybe kena beli green tea jepun punyer kot and not boh green tea
bengkak jer, tak hal nak drive, cuma rasa mata gatal siket.
haha yah, i did not know, i have never taken aspirin before, i just wanted to try something other than panadol.
ayooo mcm tu sekali kok mata nya...dah ok ker bud...
Hehehe... Don't mean to laugh at you but you do kinda remind me of the Hitch movie ;)
dah skrg dah surut
lol oh my gosh, yah so true meh...
that is what happen to me when i ate wrong peanut butter brand... the reaction was bad.. my eyes was swollen jst like urs....
amik jab.. balik rumah n tito.. bad thing happen was when i was in the office...
n that give shocks to everyone.. hehehe
avoid eating too much shrimps... if i ate unfresh seafood.. i will have another allergy.. to my skin..
Bazzz...what happened? nanti kite YM ko cite kat aku..
:skalik tgk muke awk mcm himawari adik sin chan..hihihi ::
alamaak ciannya dik..
minum plain water byk2..
(ke dah baik ni - baru baca daaa)
OMG Bud!! how is it now? hope ur doin well, mister!
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