Also, lemon grass tea or serai. These teas are loose tea leaves mixed with either the dried leaves, or flesh of the other ingredients made to add a bit of flavour to the tea.

This is what the loose tea looks like.

I bought this nifty tea strainer at IKEA that was perfect to mixed loose tea in a cup.

Forget traditional way of boiling hot water. I nuke my cup of hot water inside a microwave. Its lot faster boiling water inside a microwave, just 2 minutes on high.

The teas takes more time to infuse in water than regular tea bags, but it was worth the wait. I wanted to drink it without sugar, but its tasted bland to me. Just a teaspoon of sugar really allowed me to taste the Kaffir lime and the Lemon grass. This tea is great for making an exotic ice tea. Thanks to the Bears (Dr Shah, Abg Bear) to this wonderful gift. A good way to just relax, calm down and unwind :).
ekk..x mo la..loya tekak akak ko ni ngk..hehe
hehe cam best je tea tu. hehe :)
besh ke teh tu??waaahh..nak jugek rasa :)
Wah... you microwave your water. Yeah I know we can do that but that's something I'll always be paranoid to do. hehehe!
If you like tea, then you should try this flower tea (i think it's called Hojo or sumthin). At first it looks like a ball, but when you brew it in hot water, it will kembang & open up to be a flower. If i got the pics, i show you k ;)
yup, better than using a kettle...cepat dan mudah...
i still prefer boiling tea.. and u know what makes it even perfect, if u put the tea together while boiling.. really puts in the flavor.. (ah i miss the bitchy ol days where i tead myself :)
Having tea with a bunch of good friends while chit-chatting and gossiping is always awesome....he he
kak ita:
hik hik bukan ade ke teh utk diet kak.. patut minum opsss :D
betul2 rasa beza dgn lipton
ooooh do show it at your blog :D
yes, i heard its more efficient using a microwave than a stove.
you what?? tead?? aiyak!!!
dr syukur:
chit chat and gossiping among friends is always good no matter what the beverage is :D
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