As I was waiting for my turn I saw this creepy poster of a smokers body. Apparently it was born with both female and male reproductive organs since it can developed ovarian cancer and testicular cancer :-p.
The whole cycle from registration to picking up the medicine took about 15 minutes. One thing that is intriguing to me is that, I kept getting foreigners as my doctor. Last time I came here I got a middle eastern doctor, now I met a Indonesian doctor. Both of them were very nice to me, so no problems there :D.
My face looked liked it was wrapped in plastic wrap right.. Hehe its just one of those peeling of mask that I decided to wear tonight. Also I still had the series of upset stomach so I was just holding my stomach in. I was just too tired after running to the toilet too many times :p. Anyways, I really need to take a deep breath and figure out what is happening around me. There so many things I ignored and left in denial. The issues I had was supposed to be resolved already, but somehow residual problem still linger in me. I decided to tackle each problem head on (well almost all of it). Its going to be more painful, but at least it teaches me to face the problem and figure out a quick solution to it.
Wahhh blog dah chantek!!! colour biru...Cakit poyot yer...cian...Harap harap dah ok la yer....
take care bud,prob food u consume at ....!!! well u shld know.heheheee
get well soon buddy!!!
get well soon budlee :)
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