Yup this was stray cat that suddenly came to our house and made herself at home by entering our home. I think some one just threw her at our house. She was a pretty cat, white fur, blue eyes, very affectionate. She fell asleep on my arms. I fed her some
Friskie. Sadly she came just as we were going to
Terengganu. I had plans to buy a big cage for her so that we could keep her like a Hamster so that my mom will not go crazy with the cat running around. However my prediction were true, she never came back after we left her. I hope she found a new home and a new owner that will love her as much as I would have.
I like the last pic - it's like as if she's saying hi!
Too bad she ran away though, otherwise she would've made a very cute pet. Cats tend to do that if no one feeds them...
awwww... that's sweet~!
alahai, sedih la pulak baca entree kali nie... hopefully she's in good hands...
her blue eyes.... mesmerizing... *sigh*... I hope she comes back to you...
mischiveous look on the cat.. love it~!
beautiful cat... klu I sure dah ambik kalau nampak ni
owhhh what a little darlll.. she is deifinitely cute
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