Everything was there for my experiment, and I aliquot everything and sealed the original stock to be prevent contamination.

My laminar airflow is all clean and UV lighted to killed any bacteria

The centrifuges are working and the RA next door taught me what the "quick" button on the centrifuge does. (Perfect if you just want to momentarily spin your samples)

Even the thermocycler is set perfectly

Still there is not band in my gel... I spent the whole day and still no band.. I swear to god there was a band in the second column, but I think that is just wishful thinking.. I had to drag a friend from a nearby lab to confirm it.. SIGH!!! ARGHH!!!! I can't do spectophotometer because I had to buy a quartz cuvet to place the sample in.. GRRRR!!!

On the way to Pavillion to watch the movies Sepi, there was a massive JAM at Jln Sultan Ismail, I was stuck here for a 40 minutes :(.
My fuel was also running low so I had to switch off the air cond.
Hairie and I had dinner at Carl's Jr, other than the regular burger, we ordered the Chillie Cheese Fries. Hairie never had this before. This is beef, melted cheese and other spices smothered over fries.
After we both had LONG and TIRED day, its time to get messy!!! :D
wah..ni boleh buat filem SEPI 2, betul2 sepi ni..
sedap plak dah tgk fries tu..x sempat nak bersarapan pagi ni
have a nice weekend tomorrow ya?
I'll watch tomorrow then! he he
sepi in da lab?hehehee
Ei? is that the way Hairie eat his food?
hold on, are you trying to extract genes? tell me more about this experiment of yours.. hehe
hehe tapi dlm sepi kite menemui cinta tapi dlm sepi the lab, tak jumpa band dna :(
you too chen :D
you should bro :)
totally sepi.. :p
no lah, that is only to show how good beef cheese fried are :p
urm not the whole gene, just a part of it..
u do know the places where there's a lot of it right especially the liver..
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