After walking around the mall, resting in these comfy red couch was a great way to end the evening. Definetly a place I want to visit and eat again. They don't only serve dessert but other kinds of hybrid meals too.
This is just recollection of the moments I face in life, you may think you know me when you are reading this, but this blog is only a fragment of the many personalities that can manifest in me
After walking around the mall, resting in these comfy red couch was a great way to end the evening. Definetly a place I want to visit and eat again. They don't only serve dessert but other kinds of hybrid meals too.
beshnya makan2 ;)..at least x de org dengki..x pela :)
Hi bud, Agreed, i pun suka thier Banana cake..simple but nice!
Air... wah sedapnya... nanti nak gi sana jugaklah... best!!!
crepe kut
biar lah org dengki, lagi org dengki lagi nak buat ape dia tak suka tu :D
erm.. yup2 very light and yummy
abg bm:
yup2 lepas gi gym kat situ, abg leh gi minum kat cafe tuh :D
TQ TQ for the spelling correction
cincau coffee tuh nmpk mcm sdp je bud....harus neray nih
banyak shopping yer
kak ita:
pegi jgn tak pegi
who me???
sy temankan kwn jer..
sy tak beli ape2 pun :D
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