This exactly what I would do if I do not have any coffee with me.. zzzzzz..
I participated in a survey conducted by the Food Nutrition and Health Faculty to found the relationship between obesity and nutrition. It took about 19 minutes to do the whole registeration and data recording stuff. I am just interested in my cholesterol and sugar count in my blood and my BMI. I managed to snap the above slip before I gave it back to them. I think this is a good step in getting a healthier body since I will be getting information about nutrition and exercise (its not like i ignorant about this, its just there is no one with a whip to boss me around..) This study will be conducted for 3 months so they will measure a before and after measurement. Hopefully the number above will change.
Better if we can set up mini gym in our lab; I'm looking forward to have all those equipment.
sleep while u still can huhu
all the best with your program bud!
ala tomeinyer tucing
sgt2 grey dan gebu..cam tuan blog nie
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