This is just recollection of the moments I face in life, you may think you know me when you are reading this, but this blog is only a fragment of the many personalities that can manifest in me
Friday, April 30, 2010
A Lesson Worth Learning?
I don't have any idea too..
What its was actually two different laboratory procedure. One of it is Polyacrylimide Gel (PAGE) Electrophoresis which is used to separate protein according to its size and weight, and Western Blotting, which is technique where you transfer the content of the PAGE Electrophoresis into a nitrocellulose paper or a similar paper (polyvinyl ???).
I had to sit through the whole thing when I finally figured out what was he was saying. This is as worse as going through with my genetic supervisor who has been waiting for weeks for me for my stop codon from my sequence.
I hate being stuck, I hate it, when I do remain stuck, other things in life seem more appealing, like the Internet or video games. I want an escape and escape from all this confusion. Seriously, to go direct to PhD after this? Oh my god. Why the heck did I worried about my so called relationship problem, I mean seriously. I plan to live and work till I am 100, 30 is the new 20, 40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new 40. Heck if our Prophet Muhammad SAW, life as a prophet starts at 40. I am freaking out since my life is stuck at 26 in a student life living in my parents house under their rules.
Seriously, there has to be something better than bitching about life right? I want Internet through my Blackberry service back :(. You know how great it is to be able to Blog at the instant you have the idea. Its like a long Twitter post but a short blog without having the deal with the mass information about your friends Farmville on Facebook.
I want the Digi Smartphone service. Even though the EDGE coverage is limited (3G is even more limited), I live in those limited area like 90% of the time. It should work out better than getting a Celcom or Maxis plan.
However this happens only after I finished the thesis, in order to do so, I need to finished my report, in order to do that I need to explain how to produce recombinant, how to test the recombinant, how to immunize using the recombinant and how to measure the effectiveness.
And you wanna tell me I should diet and calm down... Go jump off a cliff!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My Life Sucks But Blogs Don't :)
When Things Gone From Bad to Awfully Worse
Sister: eh my car got into accident
me: how? where? who?
sister: a man driving a Kelisa hit me from behind, near BP velodrom
me: so how? is he paying or going to report to police?
sister: i asked to pay me, he said he wants to pay only 150
me: okay lah, gi report police then
sister: come lah, accompany me
me: sure okay, i want mcD
sister: ye lah
then drive to the police report, lodge a report, give insurance details, take picture of the car, write a report, then have mcD drive through. a few days later insurance come, tgk kereta, then claim.
however.. my father was in the car when she called me, and he overheard what happened, and he willingly without anyone forcing him, to go to the scene of the crime to "save" my sister, and hell breaks loose. The situation became so long, that I don't think I could put a dialogue in. Here is a summary of what happens
Monday, April 26, 2010
Gosh.. I did not have a good night sleep or did I? I felt like I did not get a good night’s sleep. I keep tossing and turning in my bed all night long. I was alert with all the sounds in the dark. The AC, the random illegal racers or horny cats accompanied me through the night. I had a dream, it was definitely a dream, and not a nightmare but I was disappointed, very disappointed. Imagine being stood up, in your dreams, and I actually waited all night long in the dream. How foolish am I, but I am a fool, a damned fool for believing in such frivolous things. The AC shuts down, the sun rises up and a new day starts. Could it be a better week?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Vitagen Lady and Orang Elken
Those who sell door to door is even worse. Imagine getting slammed in the face with a door or getting ignored like a cobblestone on a road. Just now a lady who we called "The Vitagen Lady", as the name suggest, sells Vitagen door to door on her trusty Toyota Corolla SEG. Every Saturday afternoon she would ring our door bell asking if we want to buy Vitagen. Actually the Vitagen she sells is quite reasonably priced lower than the hyper markets, but sometimes the hypermarket sells a better deal, so my mother stocks up on Vitagen from the hyper market, instead from the The Vitagen Lady.
We then have the "Orang Elken". Actually this is a family that drives around in their Mercedes E Class, selling Elken products. This ingenious in my point of view, instead of renting a store/stall/office space, they drive to their customers or downline homes to sell the products. This way they save money on rent, they are able to promote the latest products and they are able to get closer and personal to their customers and downline. Mr Orang Elken, even has a credit card reader that he plugs into our phone line, so that my dad can use his credit card to purchase our monthly Elken products.
My respects for these people for going the extra mile, literally, to find a living.
Friday, April 23, 2010
I am in the mood for something naughty
The mood of
I am in the mood for cake. Yes cake, what's better than cake? Baking a cake of course. It keeps me calm, it makes me happy, it lifts my mood to another level. There is one cake recipe I loved. I love it because it is easy, the ingredients is cheap and its healthy. How is this possible you ask? The reason is because this cake is vegan, which means it contains no eggs, no butter and no milk. No saturated fat or cholesterol in this cake. The ingredients are natural without those egg/butter substitute. So this is the recipe
Peppermint Chocolate Cake
1 1/2 cup of flour
3/4 sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
1/3 vegetable oil
1 tablespoon white distilled vinegar
1 cup of cold water
Mixed the dry ingredients together first.
Then add in the wet ingredients.
Stir till everything is fully mixed
Baked in a greased pan in a 180 Celsius oven till the centre of the cake comes out clean with a toothpick (about 30 minutes)
*pictures? if you come back again, i might post one up again :D
Thursday, April 22, 2010
*lantak lah nak emo.. tapi aku pastikan emo ini adalah sependek mungkin.. korang mesti menyampah tgk kan emo blog.. dan aku mengeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemo kan diri
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts or Is it?

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Deep Heating Rub

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Gatsby Street Fair at Times Square....Free Deodorant, Hair Gel, Hair Color, Shaving gel and Face Wash :D

We were given a a goodie bag with shirts and fans. We needed the shirt and fans, it was hot and the free shirts, fans, and water at the water cooler was a savior.

Bull riding anyone? Its looks harder that it is. I got bruises from riding this. When it bucked and roll, I was fine, but when it starts to spin around?I feel like I was in a centrifuge and got thrown off. Ouch!

Prizes from Gastby Fair.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Long Line at Gatsby Fair Redemption booth.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Bull Riding at Gastby Fair
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Coconut Bowling anyone at Gatsby Street Fair
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Gastby Street Fair
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Friday, April 16, 2010
I choose to accept.

I choose to accept,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The things we do to our faces

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Masked Palm Civet Cat

- Its not a cat actually, but rather cat like. Ours had a mask like a raccoon, so it could be raccoon like.
- Did you there is this really expensive coffee that is produce from the dropping of Civet Cats. Yes, they pick up the coffee beans that the Civet Cats defeacate and then roast it and then they sell it ,and people brew it and drink it.
- There some reports that SARS came from Civet Cats. GOOD GOD!! I am killing it if it sneezes..oh wait.. that can spread the virus.. I am staying away from it.
- It's nocturnal, meaning it stays up at night and sleeps during the day.
- It spits.. when I try to get near it to feed it.
- My mom and dad, are scared of it. My mom never even seen one before. They are both from the Kampung...
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Fresh Chicken

Mazda 2, finally in Malaysia

Nice sporty interior. The gearshift is on the dashboard to make it more accessible to the driver

The cabin was said to be not as spacious as it rivals, this due to its lower roof line. Tall people riding in the back, beware...

The sedan is functional with a 450 liter boot.

Side profile of the sedan in motion.

This is the Mazda 2 with its 16 inch rims and body kit. Nice!
Nite Out

Monday, April 5, 2010
Fooled You Fooled Me
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Subcompact/Mini/Supermini/Small/ Micro

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Photogenic Shadow

I just had a haircut, and as usual, came whoring with my Blackberry 8310. I got my usual hair cut and my usual barber and took a relatively usual after picture. Somehow though I looked a bit different here. My eye brows, they look like they are connected in a huge curve that starts at the corner of my own eye. My friend said, what did I do to my eye brow. I told him, this was the exact same brow he saw me last week. The shadow and light must have created that weird line that made my eye brow endless. The sharp shape of the eye brow comes from my mother. We have the same eye brows, thick and points quite sharply. So sharp, if we don't smile, it as seemed we are angry.
This is the face that scares people off. Its my "I am not thinking of anything face". The corner of my lips drop down, my eyes misshapen, my cheeks drop and that sharp eye brow completes the mean and unfriendly look naturally.
This is when I feel a bit crazy. I have to open my eyes, raised my eye brows a litter, smile just a little bit to pull my cheeks up. I feel uncomfortable and crazy, but it ends up being a better face. This is the reason I hate taking photos when someone tells me to pose. I feel weird, that is why I love all my candid pictures. I look normal, refreshed and friendly. I guess that is why it turns people away when I feel comfortable. Comfortable = ugly uncomfortable angry bored face. Crazy uncomfortable = friendly, presentable comfortable face. So weird eh? some people look great no matter how they they adjust their face, I guess that is why some people are photogenic..