This is just recollection of the moments I face in life, you may think you know me when you are reading this, but this blog is only a fragment of the many personalities that can manifest in me
Monday, June 29, 2009
Finish It!

The Best
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Food = Arabic
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Missing in Action


So very dramatic right this entry :p, nothing wrong right, its my blog :D
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This is a list I stole at Motortrader. It shows almost all of the vehicles in Malaysia and the fuels that we can use. Surprisingly all of Honda Model's in Malaysia that is bought at Honda, can run on RON 92 fuel, even Mercedes Benz C,E, and S class are able to run on RON 92 too. Proton car's however needs to use at least RON 95 fuel, which includes all of its car's in its stable. All of Perodua cars with the exception of Nautica, since its not listed can use RON 92 fuel. I checked in my manual, my Viva can run as low as RON 90. Imagine the amount of money you saved by using RON 92 instead of RON 97. Caltex and BHP are the petrol station that claims all of its fuel is the same quality and the same amount of detergent or additives. Shell and Mobil/Esso however advertised their RON 97 as being higher quality, and more fuel saving than their RON 92. If you are not picky with the Brand of petrol you use, might as well use a fuel that matches the minimum of your engine requirements. Using higher octane fuel will not make a difference if your car requires only RON 92 0r RON 95. However older cars may need to use a higher RON to prevent the engine from knocking itself to pieces
In conclusion, open lah your car manual and look at the back or at the index to find out the minimum requirement of your car. Heck you might find things about your car that you did not it can do, like the decondensation button to clear up your front windshield or the heating element on the rear windows to clear the rear window from condensation.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I wonder
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Food and Friends

Friday, June 12, 2009
home, I still would have a good time. I also wanted to a night of baking you know, where I could make all these wonderful cakes and cookies, then experiment on the various types of frosting that I could make or decorate the cake with. Its Friday already, two days since they have been gone and yet not that much so called freedom that I was excited with, but more of a responsibility. I guess things did not turn out the way I want it to be. Heck, one of the things I really wanted to do is to take a joyride on my dad's Honda Accord and also meet up with a good of friend of mind from Pahang. Alas, these two things did not materialized .. Seriously, that Japanese Buffet dinner has to be the highlight of these so called "freedom" days.. Sigh..
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Words of a stressed and tensed person, waiting at the Service centre.
From my point of view, get rid of your car, after 7 years. Yes after 7 years, because nearing 7 years, there will be so many things that needed to be repaired and changed, not because its faulty, but because of normal wear and tear. I don’t know why you want to “rent” a car fro 9-11 years. Yes, “rent” because if you have to pay for that long, you are “renting” the car and not owning it. The worse part, is that you have to pay for the servicing and maintanence, like you own the car. One thing I see people fail to know when buying a new car, is the resale value. If you are the person that changes car every 10 years, then you are safe to buy any brand that fancies your eyes, because by 10 years, hopefully the car loan is already finished and the resale value for most cars is almost the same (meaning you would get like 20-30% of the original price). However if you are the type that wants to change their cars every 3-5 years, well you better choose cars that have a good resale value. How does one know the resale value of a car? You check at the classified section of your favourite newspaper or pick up a copy of used car magazine such as Motor Trader to see the used car price of your model and brand. You can see how much people are selling their car according to the year of the car. It might not be the current model of the car you are driving but if you check the previous versions of the car or other cars in the brand line up, you can see how much the car can depreciate. A rule of thumb is, Japanese car has the best resale value, while continental (European brand) and Korean has one of the worst resale value. Perodua resale value is better than Proton while best selling cars has a better resale value that the rest of the cars.
However some cars seem to break this rule. Although Satria Gti and Putra is from Proton whose car has poor resale value, these cars can still command a 6 figure resale value. For example a 1998 Proton Wira can be bought at around RM 9k, but a 1998 Proton Putra can cost about RM 20k. A normal 2000 Satria can be bought at around 11k but a 2000 Satria Gti can cost you around RM 30k. On the reason for this, is these car are highly sought after by “boy racers” or those who like to modify their cars. Other cars that belong to this group of vehicles whose resale value is shockingly high includes the hunble Perodua Kelisa (it was hail to be the “real” modern day Mini with its handling), 1998 Honda Civic Sir (this the black car with green neo lights under it in the movie The Fast and Furious, the first move), and 1983 Toyota Corolla (this in the legendary drifting car that every drifters knows, that you can watch on Initial D). Best selling cars can have a high resale value or have a shockingly low resale value. The Wira used to be a best selling car but look at it now, the original Proton Saga, even after more than 20 years on the road, still command at least RM 3-4k on the road. The nation best selling car, the Perodua Myvi, even with its cramped bonnet, claimed to be not to be as fuel efficient, its huge rear bumper and flat rear seats, still command at least 50% of its original value after 4 years. Some Korean cars resale value dropped to 30% of the original value after 3 years!!!
These are just some of things one must thing when buying a car. I am not condemning Korean and European cars, in fact, right now they are sometimes much better that the Japanese marques, with the European cars being much more solid and put together, while the Korean could offer everything a Japanese marques can, but at a much lower price. Now the Korean car are even reaching European solidness and the fuel efficiency of Japanese.
Resale value is all about the public perception of the car. If you are the type who like to change cars around 3-5 years, stick to Perodua and Japanese cars, you might sell it off with out paying the bank the remaining balance, or you might sell it off with a profit. However if you feel a car is just a car or that you fell in love with that particular model, used it for up 10 years, and then sell it off, for a down payment of a new car.
Going to service centers is quite stressful for me, which is why I appreciate places where there is Wifi or at least a power point so that I could charge my laptop. I don’t have the luxury of just sending the car to the service centre and then picking it up later
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Repairs and Bills

Sunday, June 7, 2009

This my neighbour lab, lab mate on her wedding. Looking very pretty with a very well sharpen nose (due to make up I hope).

As always, we must have something to eat at my Wan's house. This is Serawa Bachang (I think it is), made from Bachang, a type of mango but very stronger and has a rougher flesh, with coconut milk and gula melaka. Taste great with bread dipped into the gravy. First time I had this dish, but I already love it.
Friday, June 5, 2009

This was at my cousin's wedding in 2006. It was our first "blood" cousin from my dad side that got married.

I even forgotten that I wore Baju Melayu during that time. 3 years has passed. I believed more things had happened in the past 3 years, that the past 13 years. Let's just say I had a crash course in life.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
if you have trouble ordering lunch.. I believe that is a serious problem...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Samseng Jalanan

A Trip
29/5/2009 9.00 AM
I went to Penang this weekend. Yey!, I attended an AIDS conference there. I like to gain new knowledge and new discover about the disease.
Yes I did not fall asleep this time around when we drive on the Penang bridge.
At least the beaches is nice, since the Hotel is connected to the beach.
Hydro Hotel, it has it faults (okay a lot of them), but I did enjoy my stayed there (probably because of my company there)