Gosh, I felt like I had so many things to write about. So many things going through my head, I felt like telling it all on my blog, but then too much “meroyan” is not good, especially it’s about the same old thing. Well to summarize it all, sometimes I feel so insecure and so worthless when I start to feel stress. Am I smart enough? Why am I still fat? Why can’t I be taller? Are they looking at me? Why is no one looking for me? Why am I still a student, life is not fair, bla bla bla. Then I hit the gym and then I saw people who are fitter that I am, people who lost more weight that I am, those that looked better and so on. However after actually really lifting weights and then running on cross trainer, all I could think was… I am so tired…. I want to stop… When will this end…. I need water… I want to sleep… Yep all that insecurity was just sweated out into the IKEA white towel I have. All I want to do after that is eat and then have a good night rest. People do say I held my head up high, but god knows sometimes I want to crawl into a hole. I think its pretty normal as long I have someone that I could go on and on and on and on about the same thing and then I feel a lot better. Talking is good to let the stress out as long as the person agrees with me :p. Gym is good too, and its always a positive thing, although sometimes I still feel like crap, but at least I am a lighter crap. Food is a double edge, sometimes I will feel good but then the guilt of eating too much suddenly sink in later and on the weights. Okay enough blabbing about things people already know, how about some pictures…

I have the same Kenwood blender! :D
What were you making? Lamingtons? :P Didn't quite look like an Oreo Cake. ;)
nope, not lamingtons, since it was not coated with coconut it was more like the chocalate cake that was served during lunch in the cafeteria when i was in the US. The had only a the top of the chocalate cake covered with icing. People said it just tasted like Oreo.
The cat looks sooo adorable! Nak picit!!
comel kucing tu...geramnyer!
Oreo?..nmpak macam cedap...boleh buat bisnes nie..
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