This is just recollection of the moments I face in life, you may think you know me when you are reading this, but this blog is only a fragment of the many personalities that can manifest in me
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Social Network
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Blogging is Fun
Regardless of that, sometimes I do fall into the that trap where I feel restricted in my own blog. Sometimes I feel so sad and depressed I just want to type away the sadness away but I feel like no one wants to read my crap. I forgotten, sometimes, those crappy emo writings have readers and some do actually reply to it
For me, blogging is a form of escapism, a place where you are free to write, a place where its your own reality show, where you are the director, writer, and actor. You tell the people want you want to tell, share what you feel like sharing and just blab away. I thinks its funny when there are people who reads these things that we write, regardless of it being of any importance.
I find it sad when people just want to make money and try desperately hard, like insanely absolutely hard. Chill people, I say, just relax and be cool with it. People will read your blog if its interesting. In fact when the blog is humble and honest, more people will read it.
I can't deny though that if you are a hot girl, a good looking guy, incredibly rich, travels all over the world, funny, mingle with elite socialites and celebrities or you are a celebrity or socialite your self, your blog will be automatically famous :-p
What about regular people with boring lives? Just write it down and read other people blogs, perhaps the less famous ones, since they have the time to actually go to your blog and read it. You might get lucky and be features in a famous bloggers blog thus increasing your traffic! Muahahaha..
Well articles and blog entries on how to attract people to your blog comes in shiploads all over the Internet. My advice to other people and myself, is to keep it real. We are happy and excited, but we are also sad and anger. Although we must be careful who we sent on fire in our blogs, because it could bite you back in the rear end and set you back on fire. Keep it positive or keep it anonymous.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Hearing yourself
Like record your self and then listen how you sounded. Weird right? The way that we hear our voice and the way we hear it from a recording is different. Its something to do with how our voice sounds coming out of our head instead of coming into our head. Strange right.
I have this strange way of speaking, perhaps not so strange, but to me, if I hear anyone else speaks the same way, I would say they are weird.
I am very nasal, meaning my voice seems to come out of my nose.
I chew my words, meaning I am lazy to pronounced it.
I have a relatively deep voice, when combined with talking through your nose, it becomes nasally boomy and incomprehensible.
I have "h" in wrong parts of the words and I exaggerated the word. entaH, takH de lah, kiteH, aderH.
It sounds fake and pretentious.
I mix English and Malay like you mixed a rojak..
Its funny, people in KL and Selangor, never really said anything, because that is how some people talk here? but try to live out of KL and Selangor, you would stick out like a sore thumb. Which is why, having a terrible fake accent, cancels the words out. Have you tried listening to me ruining a northern accent. TERRIBLE, not to mention my mother's Negeri Sembilan dialect...terrible..
I guess that just makes me the nasally, fake, broken Malay guy... probably why I prefer to stay in Kl...
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Died Again

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Geek Chic, is the name of a fashion style that includes these really thick and huge glasses frames. They don't even have any power in it so that individuals could wear it as a style. Damn, some of us actually need this to function normaly in society, while other feels that its a fashion statement worth doing. How I tried to avoid wearing glasses, to getting smaller and thinner frames, to getting contacts, only to find out that it is actually in to wear glasses. Irony?
All Blacks

Monday, November 8, 2010

If I had Rapunzel’s hair, or more precisely 70 feet of magical golden blonde hair, what would I do with it?
The movie shows that Rapunzel had complete control of her hair. She can move it at will and the hair itself has incredible strength as you can see it in the trailer.
Unlike the original story, the hair is merely just a rope for the prince, the hair also was braided to increased its strength, so that the witch could climb up the tower. Also her hair has to be hang on a hook, so that she won’t use her scalp as an anchor point (unlike our fellow Malaysian who can).
Rapunzel in the movie Tangled Up reminds me of a Marvel Comics character called Medusa. Medusa’s has long, thick, red hair that is stronger than an iron wire of the same thickness. She can elongated it, or lift up to 1.6 tons (about 1600kg). She could control each strands of air via psychokinetic ability (moving objects with her mind). She can snap it like a whip, bind objects, perform delicate manipulation such as picking a lock or coordination skills such as typing. She can use her hair to sense things that it touches. We can say Rapunzel is like Medusa’s magical blonde cousin.

Medusa fiery red hair
Multi Task…
Since each hair could be manipulated, I could mentally assign each hair to do a specific task. Instead of taking 2 hours to clean my mice cages, my hair could do it in 30 minutes. I could type my thesis and still do lab work. I can juggle books, journals and online articles. My master would be finished in half the time it is going to take now :)
Anyhow I got a lot of pictures of my hair. It has gone through many changes such as different lengths to the standard crew cut I always, to extreme changes such a drastic color change or chemical straigtening.

The good, the bad, the ugly, the "what the hell were you thinking"
However I think I could challenge a Nuffie named Firdauz.

This is me, when I was 10 years old. If I don’t get a haircut within 3 months, curls and more curls will appear. It made many Chinese Auntie green with envy. When I stayed in Segamat, old Chinese ladies would ask, where I did my hair. I was born this hair while they would willingly stay for 4 hours at the salon to get it. This probably how my magical raven black curly hair would look like
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Bad Ass Parang that Chuck Norris would approve

Monday, November 1, 2010
Now or Tomorrow