This is just recollection of the moments I face in life, you may think you know me when you are reading this, but this blog is only a fragment of the many personalities that can manifest in me
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Enough Not Enough

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Little Color in Your Eyes

Monday, September 28, 2009
Fast and Slow
Back to Real Life
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Raya Mood

3-2-1 Contact

I should blog more right? It does not mean having to write down every single detail of my life, nor does it mean to bitch and moan about life, but a reflection of oneself, just like what Ms Shakie, but now Madam Shakie said to us during BEL 200. Its interesting how much I love this thick coke bottle frame glasses. I love it so much, I wear them most of the time. In fact I wear them so much, people forgotten I used to wear contacts. It does not help, that these thick plastic frame are incredibly comfortable, that I could wear them anywear, anytime and anyplace without fearing that it would rust, peel, discolour, bruise my kin nor bend. Alas, its just a way for me to hide behind it, maybe I am hidden way to often behind them.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
However to be fair, there are people who needs to fake iris, the fake boob and limb extension, and we must not be judgemental to them. I wear color contacts sometimes and color my hair sometimes, but its something not permanent, and I could go natural when I choose too. Its fun to change it sometimes, as long as it safe, and my family does not oppose it, its fine with me. But having to go under the knife? and a procedure which is not FDA approved nor done else where? Hmm talk about a risk, and as they say beauty is pain. I rather have something I could turn back into something normal again if I choose to, then choosing something permanent. There is video here about a guy who so excited with his new blue iris, but in the end after a lots of problem and hearing stories of his friends going blind, he took them out. Its quite scary actually. I have been in similar situation with my color contact before. I used these permanent lenses but I was a cheapskate and did not use a protein remover, in the end what happend I had this bumps forming under my eye lids, that grab the contact lenses, which will pull the lenses up after I blink. No more, no permanent lense for me, I am sticking with good ol disposable lenses. I also make sure I rub my leanses when cleaning them to remove the protein deposits.
I could have light colored eyes too, naturally. How? Go live in place where there is winter, your skin, hair and eyes, go lighter in the winter, I had amber eyes in the winter. So cool.. but then really, real iris changes, and sometimes my I do get the amber eyes, albeit in the hot sun.. :p. Eyes are the windows to the soul, so any eye color is beautiful, however just like windows, we can change the original curtains if we wanted to ;)
This has nothing to with the eye, but I love the song Iris, by the goo goo dolls :D
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Something in Malay
Memang la kuih aku agak hodoh rupa dia, ye la.. takde color2, takde nak hias dengan gula la, manik la, ceri la, whatver lah.. tapi sekali makan.. haaa baru ko tau best ke tidak. Bahan2 pun simple jer, takde la nak kena beli yg pelik2 sangat, semua barang kat kedai runcit biasa pun jual, except maybe chocolate chip, almond slivers, cinnamon dan nutmeg.. tu kena pi kedai runcit luar biasa kot.. Raya tahun macam raya tahun lepas, balik kampung bwk keta honda baru.. yaaaa kereta honda baru, sekali lagi.. tapi ni kakak aku yang masih single itue yang beli, dia beli pun sebab ayah aku bayar kat dia kereta myvi dia tuh, supaya adik perempuan aku leh pakai, so daripada beli secondhand kat tah siapa, baik beli kat keluarga sendiri kan.... at least aku tau gak ape yang rosak and so on kat keta tuh.. So kakak aku setelah di manipulate oleh ayah aku, akhirnya membeli sebuah Honda Jazz. Nice car, safety rating dia tinggi giler di EuroNCAP, NHTSA, dan IIHS, tapi yang model kat Malaysia ni takde side airbags and curtain airbags, tapi at least aku tgk, kereta ni teguh la, jika malang tak berbau kan...
Anyways mysteri primer aku, telah di selesaikan oleh the lovely dr shahriza, yang sudi menolong diriku yang sentiasa blur ini, pasni takde la seram sangat jumpe dgn wendy yg baru saje habis Viva dan akan buat phd.. T_T and takde la rasa mcm nak mengelak dari jumpe dr shahril di surau tingkat 3 or cube melarikan diri dari prof wan dengan menyorok di library atau di animal house.. yaaa masuk sem 5 pun mahu sorok2 lagi? hell yeah.. selagi boleh menyorok, selagi tu aku akan buat okay...
Baju raya semua dah ade, kasut dah ade, songkok dah ade, butang raya ade, hmm undies raya? jeng2.. tak kot.. byk pula dah kumpul, dan byk lak dh aku buang, kerana tidak lagi menyerupai sebuah pakaian dalaman... okay la kot.. just harap pinggang ni muat lagi time raya.. huhuh
okay sekian sahaja rambling aku dalam bahasa melayu. BTW, this is how I actually speak in real life in Malay, friends and family will notice, how the idea constantly shifts without notice and how long I could go on with my nasal voice. The only thing that you can't see is how animated I can be when talking, filled with sound effects and expressions..
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Also it is a lot easier during festive seasons. I don't have to buy bus tickets 1 month in advance, not worry what time I should leave, the taxi and so on. I have been there in that position when I did my diploma in Perlis. Its kinda liberating not to worry about tickets and stuff. In fact this Raya, we will celebrate at my Dad's hometown, which is in Ampang. No worries there :D. Celebrating Raya in the city is quite nice, the traffic is clear, you see people in their Baju Melayu and Baju Kurung. Very festive, just like Kampung. Although some with ultra modern (or ultra ignorant) thinking, goes to see a movie on the first day of raya. That is just plain crazy.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I am not sure either to be insulted or amazed.

Monday, September 14, 2009
That Thing We Do At The End Of Ramadan

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Car Safety
This the Peugeot 308, which is available in Malaysia and built in Kedah. The Peugeot 308 Turbo has 6 airbags, but misses the drivers knee airbags that is available in the 407 which also gets 5 star rating

Not only Edward Cullen is a dashing vampire, he also drives a car that is also very safe, Volvo C30.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Things That Runs Out At 11.30 pm

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sahur and Iftar

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Bapaku bawa daging kambing biri-biri
Daging beku di simpan dalam beg
Boleh di jamah ramai-ramai
Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum
Daging kambing yang di perap dan di bakar
Sangat lah sedap lagi manis
Elok di makan waktu berbuka.