This is just recollection of the moments I face in life, you may think you know me when you are reading this, but this blog is only a fragment of the many personalities that can manifest in me
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
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Sunday, December 27, 2009
Houses to Houses
Saturday, December 26, 2009
One word
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Thursday, December 24, 2009
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Plan changes
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Sick Off

This so called moodiness and irritation probably originated from my dad. It could be genetics because it seems he is able to be ticked off without a moments notice, just like how I can be. Its very bad to suddenly go berserk for no apparent reason, apparently all the men in this family does it from time to time, but we do have a mother, so some of her traits must be buried deep under that male testosterone.
Maybe its because I woke up quite late today, or shall I say my normal wake up time. Or its because I almost thought, it was still the weekend. Anyways, I feel I should let this be a setback, even though I do stay at home more often that I should. Its usually filled with household errands. Another brother in the house is quite useless really, and to limit my confrontation with him, I prefer to just have very little contact with him regardless of my mood. Since most of the time I want to chew his straighten hair head off. Let's just say in the future, he WILL NEVER STAY IN TE SAME HOUSE as I do. I would rather pay him to live somewhere.
Its sucked that there is 6 cars in the house. Sure its sounds great, but in reality, 4 of them is my responsibility, and if I haven't driven it for a long time, something is bound malfunction, since 3 of the 4 cars under my care is more than 4 years old. I don't get it why would you get a 9 year hire purchase loan for a car. After the 4th year, problems will appear, and you need to pay for the repairs while still paying for your car loan. Very few would actually finish paying their cars within 5 years, and even rarer will pay them in 3 years. Although this limits then to Viva and Saga, at least they would be smiling since they are not paying that much interest rate.
My Viva is paid in 7 years, so that is not so bad at all, plus there is a 3 year factory warranty and a extended 3 year insurance warranty. The factory warranty covers everything while the insurance warranty cover around 3/4 of it, but that is okay. Anyways perhaps I should take the opportunity of waking up late to service our aging 18 year old Mercedes, its becoming a family heirloom now. At least that would make me feel much better this irritating Monday morning
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I was on cloud 9 for about a week, then I came crashing down since reality finally caught up with me. Apparently reality has another story regarding my cloud 9 experience. Its harsh, but at least its the truth, besides, its only been one meet and almost 2 weeks, its hardly anything, but I guess the damaged from my last breakup only managed to show up now. I will take it cool now, and accept whatever has been dealt with me. Things were different 2 years ago, many things had happened, many people I have known. One thing for sure, I will be as truthful to myself and at the same time being optimistic while being grounded. I think I should face it head on personally rather than asking around. Don't you like that you get the answer by yourself or that you learn about it yourself? Well I am definitely trying.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Bella Swan into Bella Cullen

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Dreams.. Aren't you sick of this post...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Talking or no talking
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Oily Skin
- Over active
Oily skin is caused by over active sebaceous glands. This glands produces sebum, a natural lubricant for the skin. This keeps the top layer of the skin, soft and supple. People with dry skin are lacking with this substance. However too much of a good thing can be bad. Too much of the sebum causes the skin to be shiny and greasy.
- Causes
It could be a family trait, if your relatives have greasy skin, you could too. Food can be a factor, especially the greasy, over processed food. External factors such as humidity or heat can cause skin to produce excess oil. The human body is all about balance, if your skin is over dried to due harsh skin care products, your skin will produce excess oil to compensate to dryness of the skin.
- Treatment
The way to treat oily skin is not by scrubbing the oil away or using harsh soaps to dry the skin, but is to treat it gently and making sure there is balance of oil on the skin. You can use cleanser made for oily skin. A general guide on cleanser suitable for oily skin is that, it could be in a gel form, it has clay ingredients to absorb oil, or its not oily. These cleanser with leave your skin feeling very matte and fresh. Then afterward you need a bit of moisturizer to balance the skin oil. An alcohol free toner is actually a very good moisturizer for oily skin, and it will help the skin to be less oily, since the skin is already moisturized the skin will not produce excess sebum anymore. Another route to go is to you a gentle cleanser that cleans the skin gently, but this is not enough to get rid all of the oil, so a toner with alcohol in it can really help clearing up the oil. Our main mission is to create balance in the skin, to reduce the oil at a certain level to reduce greasiness but at the same time leaving a bit on so that it will stay moisturized without being greasy. Another product that is very good for oily skin is benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is great since is absorb excess oil from the skin while being the best product to treat mild to moderate acne. There are many studies that has shown the effectiveness of benzoyl peroxide to treat oily and acne prone skin. If you do find it over drying or causes your skin to peel, find a product with 2.5% benzoyl peroxide concentration, this low concentration is mild enough for most skin, unless you are allergic to it.
- Conclusion
Your skin will always be oily no matter what you do, you can't really help it, however with the right care, your skin will be dewy and moisturized without being greasy. If it does get greasy during the day, all you need is just tissue paper to blot the oil away or just wash your face with plain water. One bonus thing of having oily skin, is that it does not get wrinkled easily or photo ages, so you don't need all that expensive creams to reduce wrinkles, your skin produces enough of it, to keep your skin soft and supple.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Twiligh Saga - New Moon (My review)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Twilight Saga - New Moon (How to become one)

Whiter skin with Loreal Men's Expert White Activ

Freshlook Colourblends in Honey for that I just drank a whole cow's blood look.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Banking Online
Pisau Bulan

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Perodua Alza
- Engin yang di gunakan sama jenis dengan Perodua Nautica, Toyota Avanza, dan Toyota Rush, tetapi engin Alza di buat di Malaysia.
- Memuat 7 orang penumpang, tetapi seperti kebanyakkan MPV, 2 tempat duduk di belakang sesuai untuk mereka yang 163cm ke bawah.
- Ada versi manual dan automatik untuk versi standard dan premium.
- 6 warna pilihan, termasuk 3 warna metalik istimewa.
- Di lengkapkan dengan 2 beg udara berkembar, ABS, BA dan EBD. Tempat duduk barisan kedua boleh di gerakkan ke depan atau kebelakang untuk memudahkan keluar masuk serta memberi tempat duduk kedua atau ketiga ruang kaki yang secukupnya. (Exora takde)
- Harga dari RM 55,490 hingga RM 64,190
Serba sedikit perbandingan dengan Exora
- Engin 1.6 liter Campro CPS/Engine 1.5 liter DVVT
- 125 bhp pada 6500 RPM, 150 nm pada 4500 RPM/104 bhp pada 6000 RPM, 136 nm pada 4400 RPM
- Besar/Kecil
- 1442kg/1115kg
- Di cipta mengunakan rangka baru yang menjadi asas pada model2 akan datang/Di cipta berdasarkan rangka sedia ada iaitu Myvi.
- Original/Di ambil dari Daihatsu tetapi di reka semula di Malaysia
- Ada saluran penghawa dingin ke tempat duduk belakang/Tiada saluran penghawa dingin ke tempat duduk belakang
Alza akan melebihi jualan Exora kerana ramai percaya quality Perodua lebih baik dari Proton, akan tetapi Exora lebih besar oleh itu lebih selesa di naiki 7 orang. Tetapi jualan Perodua secara umum lebih tinggi dari Proton. Myvi mengalahkan semua kenderaan Proton. Tetapi Saga secara umum jual lebih banyak dari Viva, tetapi Viva jual lebih banyak berbanding kereta Proton yang lain. Tetapi yang menjadi mangsa pastinya, Naza Citra, Toyota Avanza, dan Nissan Grand Livina, kerana sekarang mereka mepunyai lebih banyak persaing.
*nota kaki
pegi la test sendiri, dari dok mengutuk2 kan, dah test, nanti baru leh kutuk. okeh..
Perodua MPV Dah Keluar
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
Extended Wear

These are just some of the extended wear lenses that are available to us in Malaysia. Most of it is similar in features. They are tinted in blue, so that its easier to see it in contact lenses cases or if it falls to the ground. They have unique labels that show you if the lenses are inverted or inside out, if you find it hard to see whether the lenses curved inside or curved out (curve inside correct, curve out wrong side). All the lenses have oxygen permeability of at least 97% except for the Acuvue 2 which has oxygen permeability of 88%. The Acuvue range also has UV protection. Acuvue range are made to be disposed every 2 weeks, Air Optix and Soflens 38 are made to be worn for 1 months. All of these lenses are approved by the FDA to be worn overnight for up to 7 days. They allow such wearing time, because these are disposable lenses, meaning before anything to grow on the lenses, the lenses are thrown out, thus reducing the risk of infection. However it all depends on your personal eye doctor advice and your own comfort. For me, I like to take it out each night, but sometimes if you are out, you just don't have the convenience of taking them out and wearing glasses so, the option of wearing it overnight every now and then is very appealing
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
2012 the movie is great,
Pisau Cukur is great,
Lab result is great,
Cool weather is great,
New shirt is great,
Friends are great.
Brother is the most rotten piece of shit god has ever created in order to put in perspective that bitchy sister and moody dad are actually a blessing compared to that dumb fuck.
Labwork is not done yet
Thesis is not done yet
Still feeling moody
Rarely blog anymore
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Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Got The Band

Extended Wear Lenses

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes.
One of my favourite Kelly Clarkson songs. I loved it the first time I heard it. It had a very rockish vibe to it. something, great to listen when feeling down. I love the chorus.
I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright
For once in my life
Now all that's left of me
Is what I pretend to be
So together, but so broken up inside
Mika, its not an artist I usually here on a daily basis, but his song "Happy Ending" is like a sarcastic view of an ending relationship. I am not into his crazy falseto thing but it works nicely here
This is the way you left me,
I'm not pretending.
No hope, no love, no glory,
No Happy Ending.
How about, being sick of it, and saying its not all that pretty anymore, and that you seen it coming already. It shows that you had to much of a good thing, and you are not hungover. Boys Like Girls - Love Drunk, says it so well
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Friday, November 6, 2009
Just right
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Yes It Is
Late Again
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Monday, November 2, 2009
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Sunday, November 1, 2009
Bad Choice
Friday, October 30, 2009
Its Okay
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Herbal teas from Cambodia, I only managed to drink one bag of the 4 that was given to me. Love it.. very different from regular tea. Its feels like diet tea, since it warms you up inside, and makes you go to the toilet often. I stopped drinking it, and now I feel huge again. Back to drinking these things again..
Friday, October 23, 2009
Smooth and Soft

Quality ingredients has its price, the white bottle, Paula's Choice Body Lotion with 10% alpha hydroxy is RM90 for a 237 ml bottle, packed with antioxidants and soothing ingredients, while the Nivea Body Intensive Milk retails at RM 2.90 for 75ml bottle, is a basic moisturizer that, well does a basic job. As I am writing this, I am waiting for the lotion to fully absorb. Now I have baby smooth hands, but greasy...
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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Shift The Future

I promise, I will finish soon, please hold on just wee bit longer okay...
3 Tips For Less Cluttered Room
1.Keep Flat Surface Clear
I absolutely love this one, and its the first thing that I do. It means anything that has a flat surface, should be clear. These include desk and beds. They are made to work and sleep on (desk or bed, you choice ;) ). They are not storage units that you can dumped all your stuff. This makes the biggest impact in my room. I can lay on my bed anytime now, and have a clear desk now.
2. Assign Areas
This means we should assign each area to do a particular task. Bed = sleeping, Desk = laptop, Closet = clothes etc. We should never put our stuff on a place not assigned to it.
3. One In Out
This is a rather tough one, since what ever one thing you have placed in your room, you must take one out. Oooh its tough, because I am a hoarder myself and like to keep stuff. However I try to throw out whatever I can now. Since none of it is worth donating anyways.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Simple As That

Monday, October 19, 2009
Dear U
Dear U
We grow weary of your tantrums. We understand you are under pressure, but we are not a cushion that you can yell and get upset to release the frustration you have from missing a turn to the airport. You never told us you could not see well in the night anymore. Remember some of us have valid license too, we all can drive you to the air port too. Probably not 20 minutes but 35 minutes. You should stop getting mad on the road, not every body drives 150km like you do. Just slow down, wait for a gap and leave them behind, and don’t get irritated just because some other car is faster than you. U, you really need to stop and see what you are really doing to the people around you. Some people will push you away, and some have left you already in spirit, all that is left is the punching bag that you mold them into. Just because we share the same genes, does not make you more superior. Even though religion and culture inclines you to have the upper hand, how much before it turns you into a joke to us. We given up already U, you have gotten worser as you age, unlike cheese that grows nice by the age, you became a fungus on a wall that becomes uglier as time go by. U, if people know who you really are, our thoughts, feelings and hurt will probably not be accounted for, just because of your status in life. Congrats you found away to change people into a doormat, but surely enough we will leave you someday, and they day you wonder what went wrong, it will be too late.
U, what happened to us? We used to be so close, so together, so in love. What happened? It is because of distance? Age difference? Social status? Education? It has been two months since we last met. You said would see us, but you had no time. We understand if you have to spend time with your family, family as in your family that can give you an organ in case you needed a new one, but your god family/adopted family. You would go all the way to meet them but not us? Are we not family too? We thought that since you had to take care of your brother, we given you space to breath, but who knows, you would still have time to ditched your brother at your sibling house to help a friend out in a location just 15 minutes away from me? We thought by given you an actually space so that you don’t have to travel, yet somehow you managed to do it so. You lost your phone for days, we thought you got run over by a lorry, you just did not have the time to sms us you lost your phone. We felt so unworthy of your attention that we did not even want to see you. We did try, but you gave that golden word “We’ll see how”. That is the word we use to ditched people we don’t like who asked us out. We listened to our friends and looked backed at our past experienced. We are not sure anymore about you. Perhaps it is the beginning of the end.
U, why is it so hard to work with you? Its almost 3 years already, we been together. Aren’t you tired of us already. Do we even have enough reasons to stay together. Why is it we never looked forward to see you. Why is it, we rather lay in bed than to see you each morning. We are not sure anymore. Perhaps we are masochist who likes to inflict pain on ourselves for pleasure. We have everything to complete you, but somehow you never seem to be completed. We are tired with dealing with other people who compared us with other people. However, with you, its something that can be dealt. I know you want to be finished too. U, lets work together, we can move on after this. I know you can’t wait for your next transformation, so why not. We can do it U.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Change It
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True Intention
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Block, Random. Free

Nanaodrop Machine. So cool, can measure practically anything as long as its in a liquid form.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Call Me

The orange model was the phone used in the dream..Ergh..
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tips To Lower The Cost Of Servicing Your Car
1. Read the Warranty
Read it so you know, when to service your car and what parts are covered. It tells you things that will void/cancel the warranty. Its nice to be worry free for the first few years of owning the car.
2. Say No to Additives
If they offer you any kind of additives, say no. No car manufacturers recommend additives to their engine. Its waste of money. Reject it and smile back the sniving mechanic/
3. Read the Car Manual
If the Warranty Card does not tell you the service interval, refer to the car manual. Most service centre will tell you, that you need to service every 3 months or 5000km. Unless your car manual states that, don't believe them. Go with the recommended interval by the manual. Now most cars can be service at every 10,000km or 6 months, or 20,000km or 12 months.
4. Severe or Normal Driving
Severe drivings includes:
- Driving high speed with temperatures exceeding 37 degrees Celsius
- Excessive stop and go driving or idling
- Driving in mountains
- Driving in salt air
- Car used as a taxi or rental
- Towing trailers.
If you have more than one of these conditions your car, stick to the severe schedule, even the severe schedule sometimes never go low as 3 months or 5000km
5. Lubricants
Back in the old days when cars were invented, we only have mineral based lubricants. So its not surprising for the 3 months/5000km service interval. However over the years, say 100 years, technology in car lubricants has improved, so please chuck that 3 months/5000km interval out of the windows. Car manuals only states the viscosity of the oil, now whether it should be mineral, semi synthetic or fully synthetic. However please refer back if they do recommend any, but in my 6 cars experience, only the 190e, with the car manual sponsored by oil company had brand recommendation (guess by whom?)
Rule Of Thumb To Choose a Lubricant
- Mineral Oil
Comes in 20w-50 viscosity. Its the cheapest oil. It basically means the oil is thicker and mineral based. Used for older engine whose parts are looser over the years, so you need the thicker oil to cover it.
- Semi Synthetic Oil
Comes in 10w-30, 10w-40 or 15w-45, and 15w-50. Combination of mineral and synthetic oil. Most common use oil for current engines.
- Fully Synthetic
Comes in 0w-30, or 5w-30. 100% man made/ synthetic. Used in high performance engines or those who extends their service interval
6. Service Interval
Modern cars can last more than 5000km or 3 months before its next service. Open your manual and you will find that for normal driving it will be 10,000km or 6 months.
Rule of Thumb Interval
Mineral - old engines interval can be extended up to 6 months, but the distance between the changes can vary between a few hundreds kilometers to 10.000km. A well kept engine can be extended up to 10,000km. Modern mineral oils have their own additives to protect your engine.
Semi- Most commonly used. 6 months/10,000km is the norm for this lubricant and for new cars.
Fully synthetic - Used in engines that has long interval change 12 months or 20,000km or high performance engines.
Well that is all for my tips, based on my experienced. My mechanic said, my old 190e Mercedes has no sludge built up, which is the result of my care when servicing engine. The only problems we have now, is that the car is old and most parts are at the end of their service life. Most important is to trust the manual and then get a mechanic that you can trust.
Celcom blackberry
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Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Even those with a natural sense of style need updates and new knowledge from those who are experts in it. I never knew she had so many of these books.
This is just something for my friends, those who loves shoes and have lots of the. My mother got fed up with my sister's shoe collection taking up space in the family shoe cabinet, so she made my sister get a custom made shoe closet to store about 3/4 of her shoes. The other 1/4 is still in the family shoe cabinet.